After the
Olympics, October 2000
Where? NSW Writers Centre
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Congress of Poets
Valuing Our World Poetic Heritage
Saturday-Sunday 7th-8th October
NSW Writers’ Centre, Rozelle,
9.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome - Robyn Ianssen, Chair, Executive Committee WCP Sydney
Opening and Launch of anthology and announcement of winners of poetry
competition with Professor Elizabeth Webby - Patron, WCP, Sydney 2001
10.30 Room A Forum - What identifies Australian poetry? Is there
such a thing? What image(s) do we want to present to the world of
Australian poetry? -
Participating Chair, Professor Elizabeth Webby. Panel - Peter Bishop,
Anita Heiss, Peter Skrzynecki, Ron Pretty.
Room B Forum - Issues
in translating poetry. Chair - Robyn Ianssen. Panel - Hon Assoc Prof
Mabel Lee, Professor Vrasidas Karalis, Anis Ghanem, Ludwika Amber
11.15 m/tea
11.30 Room A Forum ( in English) Promoting Your Work (readings,
publicity, image etc)
Chair - Beatriz Copello. Panel - Pearlie McNeill, Lizz Murphy, Adam
Room B Poets work with translators one-to-one. (booking essential) Chair
- Penelope Grace, From English to (or vice versa) Arabic, Chinese,
Greek, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Korean, Polish, Spanish (others
1.00 LUNCH
2.00 Room A Inside Black Australia - Indigenous poet speak .
Participating chair - Anita Heiss,
Panel - Kerry- Reid Gilbert, Norm Newlin, Jennifer Martinello
Room B Poets Workshop with Well Known Poets (in language groups) Chair-
Edilia Porcu-Vidal. Poets: English - Ron Pretty or John Bennett, Chinese
- Willing Hwang or Xi Tong, Korean - Phillip Yoon, Spanish - , Arabic -
Wadih Sa'adeh, Urdu - Ashraf Shad.
3.15 Readings of the work of refugee poets resident in Australia,
and of persecuted poets from other countries , in assc with P.E.N. (on
screen translations).
Chair - Leonor Gouldthorpe.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC $5/concesssion $3.
5.00 MUSIC of the Andes
6.00 Reception by Consul for Korea
6.15 Reading by Korea's most famous poet Jeung Ho-Seung
10.00 Room A Forum: Editing poetry and ideas workshop (in
English) Chair - Ann Davis
panel - Jill Jones, Martin Langford, Brook Emery, Marisa Cano
Room B Papers in English - topic: "How cultural influences affect
poets today" (printed translations in original language available).
Chair - John Bennett.
- closing date for receipt of papers 1 Sept 2000 - Send +
SSAE to: 15 Curtis Street, RYDE 2112
11.15 m/tea
11.30 Readings by World Congress of Poets Sydney 2001 - Chair -
Robyn Ianssen
1.30 Readings by Workshop participants in English and English
translation (on screen translations)
A prize (by acclamation) for the best poem read. -
Chair - Trevor Langlands
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. $5/$3 concession.
3.30 A/tea
3.45 Readings by Workshop Participants continued- Chair - Anne
Music form the Andes
4.15 Plenary session - Chair Ferit Berk
Close 4.30