Coming to Sydney 
Very Soon! 
The World Congress
Sydney Committee


All Australian poets, or people interested in different poetries are invited to join, no matter what language they write in.



The Chair of the Organising Committee of the Congress
is Robyn Iannsen

Robyn writes poetry and prose and takes photographs.  She is the publisher of several bi-lingual poetry books: English/Chinese, English/French and her translations from Danish.  Her poetry has been published in Australian literary journals and anthologies and in Chinese in
Taiwan and Australia. Her book "Mountains and Lakes" has her poems, sketches and photos of the Snowy Mountains.  She is also a committee member of the Poets
Union Inc. 

Ann Davis is Deputy Chair 

Ann is hooked on poetry, also writes articles and fiction, loves words and playing with language. Ann coming from a business administrative background has taken on the tasks of producing the Congress program and arranging the Post Congress Tour. Ann facilitates the Women Writers' Network which has met weekly since October 1993.

Ferit Berk Deputy Chair 

was born in 1937 in Turkey and migrated to Australia in 1980. He has an academic background and has written three scientific books, one of which has been published by the University of York, in Britain. Some of his articles and poems have been published in Turkish and English magazines.

Beatriz Copello is secretary to the Committee

Beatriz is an Australian poet born in Argentina. Her poetry has been published in literary journals such as Southerly, Hobo and Australian Women’s Book Review and in many feminist publications. She is currently completing a Doctorate of Arts, majoring in Creative Writing, at the University of Wollongong. 

The Full Committee (in alphabetical order):

Ludwika Amber (Editor),
John Bennett (Webmaster),
Ferit Berk (Deputy Chair),
Assad Cina,
Bill Collis (Editor),
Beatriz Copello (Secretary),
Ann Davis (Deputy Chair),
Anne Fairbairn,
Leonor Gouldthorpe,
Penelope Grace (Asst. Secretary),
Willing Hwang, 
Robyn Ianssen (Chair),
Trevar Langlands,
Marjana Majic (Treasurer),
 Lizz Murphy,
Luo Ning,
Edilia Porcu-Vidal, 
Ron Pretty (Editor),
Kerry Reed-Gilbert,
Christine Shannon, 
Jeanette Wang,
Andy Yang,

Phillip Yoon (Sponsorship).