World Congress of Poets
Sydney, 20001
For Australian Participants
For queries Ring Anne Davis 97644453
or email
(Please print in Block Letters)
Prof. : Dr. ; Mr. ; Ms. ; Miss (Please Circle)
(Family)Name .....................
(First and Middle) .................
Affiliation (educational centre or literary group.....................
Mailing Address ...............................
Country ......................
Email ......................
Phone No. ........................
Fax ..................
For fee structure see below:
Please tick for yes
. . . I will attend the Congress
. . . I intend staying at the Congress hotel
. . . I will be accompanied by ( ) person/s
. . . I have enclosed copy of my
electronic bank transfer
. . . I wish to submit a paper - half page abstract enclosed
. . . I wish to conduct a workshop - outline enclosed
. . . I have enclosed my poem/s, short
biography & photo
(poem/s in English or with translation
. . . I intend taking the Post
Congress Tour - fee included in electronic bank transfer
You will be able to pay at the door.
Please Send cheque of photocopy of bank
transfer with your registration form:
The Treasurer
XXI World Congress of Poets
15 Curtis Street
If using bank transfer please send fee to:
World Congress of Poets
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Plumpton Branch, NSW
Account No. 062-410-1011-1692
Swift A/c CTB AAU2S
Australian residents may attend some sessions
Please circle sessions you wish to attend:
Sunday 7th
Monday 8th day
Tuesday 9th
day evening
Wednesday 10th day
Thursday 11th day
Session rates:
Evening (includes dinner) $50/30 (concession rate for "World Congress"
Associate Members, pensioners and students.)
Full Day (incl. lunch, morning & afternoon teas) $50/30
Single Session $15/10
Post Congress Tour (AU$ 900) includes all transport, accommodation and meals.
Registration fee for overseas participants in
the Congress is AU$500 includes all sessions and cultural events, lunches,
dinners morning and afternoon teas.
Accommodation Fee includes five (5) nights bed and breakfast at AU$ 157 per
night, a welcome cocktail and all transfers at the Landmark Hotel.
A deposit for two nights is required with the registration fee.
Fee does not include alcohol, phone calls, personal expenses etc.
Post Congress Tour US540 (AU$ 900) includes all transport, accommodation and meals.