Hypertext writ 210 - temp site




Week 1

Week 2

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

OUR SITE http://www.geocities.com/writ210/ 

Chriz Z. Bronwen and Eleisha's Site linked

Contact details:  E-mail jabber@iprimus.com.au

Consultation times: Monday 12.45 - 1.15 Meeting room 114 round corner from John Scott's office
- NOTE change in time.

Exercises to me (jabber@iprimus.com.au) and the following by Friday 3.30pm

Jenn Rogers foul_drama_queen@hotmail.com
Lauren Truscott
Chris Portelli cdp80@uow.edu.au
Mark Seldon mcseldon@yahoo.com.au
Eleisha Gorman eleishag@hotmail.com
Bronwen Stephenson bks03@uow.edu.au
Chris Zammit chris_zammit@bigpond.com
Braydon Byers bsb99@uow.edu.au
Laura Smith lgs96@uow.edu.au

OUR SITE http://www.geocities.com/writ210/

From Subject Outline

‘This unit focuses primarily on the use of language but also explores how graphic input and hypertext design can relate to the overall site design. Students will research internet writing strategies and methodologies in theory and practice, applying their findings in a review of existing web sites, and will develop web pages using their own creative writing.’ 

This course aims for a confluence of three streams: Theory of Hypertext; Critique of hypertext writings and web sites; and writing hypertext – with emphasis on the latter.

What the course is not – 
Not hi tech, not about coding, not about designing web sites

Some sites to explore        

The Special Reserve in the UOW Library

Hyper/text/theory / edited by George P. Landow

Reserve Collection -- 801.95/216 -- IN LIBRARY

The future of the book / Geoffrey Nunberg, editor ; with an

Reserve Collection -- 028.5/87 -- IN LIBRARY

Writing space : the computer, hypertext, and the history of

Reserve Collection -- 652.5/6 -- IN LIBRARY

Of two minds : hypertext pedagogy and poetics / Michael Joyc

Reserve Collection -- 800/11 -- IN LIBRARY

Orality and literacy : the technologizing of the word / Walt

Reserve Collection -- 001.54/11 -- IN LIBRARY

Labyrinths : selected stories and other writings / Jorge Lui

Reserve Collection -- 861.6/BOR/2 -- IN LIBRARY



For week 1 - 2

The History of Haiga, Haiga Online http://members.aol.com/HAIGA/HAIGAOnline.index.html

11th century England manuscripts
Ps.-Apuleius, Dioscorides, Herbals (extracts), etc., in Latin and English
England, Bury St. Edmunds; 11th century, latehttp://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/medieval/mss/bodl/130.htm

Landow reviewing Bolter’s Writing Space

Robert Coover The End of Books (1992)

Sven Birkerts, The Gutenberg Elegies:The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age, Faber and Faber   Section 8 Into the Electronic Millenium 




George Landow on Hypertext http://vp.engl.wvu.edu/landow/ht.html

Michael Joyce, definition of hypertext and hypermedia  http://www.iberia.vassar.edu/~mijoyce/What_s_hypertext.html

Landow on theory of hypertext  http://www.victorianweb.org/cpace/ht/jhup/contents.html


Mixed sites

Eastgate On the Web  for ‘serious hypertext writing’ http://www.eastgate.com/
Eastgate is the leading publisher of literary hypertexts in electronic media in the United States. The Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext often publishes interactive digital poetry on floppy disks.
See Michael Joyce, Twelve Blue -http://www.eastgate.com/TwelveBlue/Welcome.html

Glazier, "Mouseover"

- (not all links firm).



Christopher T. Funkhouser, Cybertext Poetry: Effects of Digital Media on the Creation of Poetic Literature (1997)



Jerome McGann the well known critic "The Rationale of Hypertext"

Christopher Funkhouser : Chap 2 Hypertext & Hypermedia - excerpt on Visible Language 30.2 about digital poetry. (Ted Nelson link down)

Hyperizons: Theory and Criticism of Hypertext Fiction



Jim Rosenberg http://www.well.com/user/jer/

Jim Rosenberg's home page includes Diagram Poems (hypertext on paper?), theoretical writings, and samples of interactive work.

Diana Reed Slattery, Alphaweb good graphic use


WWW sampler of Stuart Moulthrop’s  Eastgate Systems 1995 Victory Garden (1995): http://www.eastgate.com/VG/VGStart.html

Postmodern Culture Volume 7, Number 3 (May, 1997)

Special Issue on Hypertext http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/postmodern_culture/toc/pmc7.3.html
(through Project Muse.


More Later!