October 2000
at the
NSW Writers Centre
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Valuing Our World Poetic
Heritage 2000
Professor Elizabeth Webby
launched a very successful World Congress of Poets poetry
weekend and anthology on 7th October at the NSW Writers'
Centre, Rozelle, Sydney.

Jeung Ho-seung (right) with David
Morris who read the translations
His poems and paper are here.

The Workshop Leaders

Bronwyn Rodden & Lizz
Murphy reading from
Wee Girls - an international anthology
of Irish women's writing (on St Patrick's Day)
Professor Elizabeth Webby, David Morris, Louise Wakeling, John Bennett, Lizz
Murphy and others
read from Paterson, Lawson, Mackellar, Wright, Kendall, Hope, Gilmore
and others along with their own poetry followed by an enjoyable open
section .